Working At Heights Training Center
Join us every week for CPO approved Working at Heights or Refresher training. Now availble in Vaughan, Whitby , Hamilton, Barrie , Mississauga and Kitchener/Waterloo.
Working at Heights Training and Refresher Training
Now taking registrations for :
Toronto ( Vaughan) Working at heights training and Working at heights Refresher
every Friday. $129 and $99
Call to register. 905 761-9030
Book now fall special full Working at Heights training
$149 per person lowest price WAH
does not include weekends*
Our training classes will continue to be available. We offer flexible times and days, call to arrange your training.
Much of our training is currently offered via video conferencing in an interactive and fun ZOOM setting.
We are monitoring all individulas for health. COVID 19 Protocals are in place to ensure a safe environment for your training.
Call 905 761-9030 to register
We are happy to register you on the phone even if the class you need is not listed!
Don't wait until it's too late to update your on-the-job safety skills. You could miss work for weeks, lose your job, or even lose your life. Whether you require health and safety training for yourself or your whole team, we can help get everyone on the same page. Our CPO-approved training allows you to perform with a lower risk of injury and not have to worry about time away from work. Better still, workers that feel safe are shown to be more productive, happier employees.
Get Registered
Register online for our specialized workplace safety training. You can join us in our North York classroom or, with 5 or more participants, we can come to you or train online.
Get Certified
Improve your job prospects with JHSC certification. Ontario's Joint Health and Safety Committee requires that teams of 20 or more have at least one member be JHSC workplace safety certified.
Get to Work
The Ministry of Labour is cracking down on employment safety regulations. Make sure your training is current to avoid missing work and paying massive personal fines.
On-Site Training Available in the following Areas
Working at Heights, Joint Health and Safety Committee Certification, Propane, Health & Safety Awareness, Workplace Violence and Harassment, Investigations, Noise, WHMIS 2015, Forklift, Elevated Work Platform, Lockout / Tagout, Trenching and Excavating
There is a no refund policy on training. A credit may be issued.
Chief Prevention Officer-approved JHSC Joint Health and Safety Committee Training
On line distance learning classes available for JHSC Certification part one, part two and refresher training.
Validity period
In general, your joint health and safety certification is valid for 3 years after the successful completion of an approved JHSC Part 2 training program.
After 3 years, you must successfully complete a refresher program to keep your certification valid.
To be eligible for refresher training, workers must have successfully completed both parts of an approved JHSC certification program. You can check eligibility status using our eligibility checker tool.
Some members of JHSCs now have until November 30, 2020 to complete refresher training. This applies to members whose certification expires between February 28, 2020 and August 31, 2020. The extension does not apply to JHSC Part 1 or Part 2 training. We encourage members to take refresher training as soon as possible to avoid scheduling challenges caused by the number of people who received this extension.