which workplaces must have joint health and safety committees?
You are not required to have a JHSC or a health and safety representative unless a designated substance regulation applies to your workplace.
You are required to have one health and safety representative who is selected by the workers they represent. If a designated substance regulation applies to your workplace, you are required to have a JHSC.
You are required to have a JHSC. The committee must have at least two (2) members.
You are required to have a JHSC. The committee must have at least four (4) members.
What is a Joint Health and Safety Committee?
A joint health and safety committee is composed of worker and employer representatives. Together, they should be mutually committed to improving health and safety conditions in the workplace. Committees identify potential health and safety issues and bring them to the employer's attention and must be kept informed of health and safety developments in the workplace by the employer. As well, a designated worker member of the committee inspects the workplace at least once a month.
what is the joint health and safety committee's role?
The committee is an advisory body that helps to stimulate or raise awareness of health and safety issues in the workplace, recognizes and identifies workplace risks and develops recommendations for the employer to address these risks. To achieve its goal, the committee holds regular meetings and conducts regular workplace inspections and makes written recommendations to the employer for the improvement of the health and safety of workers.
why are joint health and safety committees important?
Joint health and safety committees assist in providing greater protection against workplace injury and illness and deaths. Joint health and safety committees involve representatives from workers and employers. This co-operative involvement ensures that everything possible is done to identify and eliminate or mitigate workplace health and safety hazards.
Joint health and safety committees are a key element of a well-functioning workplace internal responsibility system.