Boost your bottom line by creating a safer workplace

We are a premier boutique H&S firm, and IHSA appointed Associate COR External Auditors.

We help develop, implement, and maintain Chief Prevention Officer approved safety programs that increase your productivity and profits.

Serving Ontario and British Columbia with offices in Toronto and Vancouver.

Please call us to register for our public classes available every Friday in Toronto! Monday to Thursday we offer private classes in various safety disciplines! Call to book yourself or a group.

CPO approved JHSC and Refresher online available for Ontario and BC residents.

8 hour same day certification for WAH Call now and talk to us! 905 761-9030

We are a Chief Prevention Officer Approved Workplace Health & Safety Training Consultant


Don't make a $2,000,000 mistake


Most companies wait until they receive a hefty fine and a serious hit to their bottom line before seeking a workplace safety audit. In Ontario, companies can receive fines that range from $500,000 to $2 million, and supervisors can be held personally liable. OHSA regulations can be complex and confusing. We make it simple. We'll help you develop, implement, and maintain a culture of workplace safety that is adopted by employees at all levels.


Occupational Health & Safety Management Programs

Develop A Workplace Safety Plan

Be proactive about creating a workplace health and safety plan. We help you create and develop a workplace safety plan and policies to guide your company through all its health and safety needs.

Implement A Mandate of Radical Safety

Put your health and safety plan into action. Education and train all of your employees that health and safety encompasses more than just wearing a hard hat and not harassing their co-workers.

Maintain and Exceed OHSA Standards

Build on the policies you've implemented and create a safe working environment that fosters productivity and growth by exceeding the minimum standards required by the law.

Partnering with RMG Consulting has allowed us to move our processes forward while supporting the development and confidence of our health and safety committee.
— Mastermind Toys

Sexual Harassment

Prepare and Respond to Workplace Sexual Harassment


Proactive Planning

Get out in front of the issue. Don't wait until your employees feel unsafe and afraid to speak up. Produce and implement sexual harassment policies to help prevent inappropriate sexual contact and treatment.

Responsive Investigations

Need to conduct a third-party investigation? We can investigate sexual harassment claims and help identify the root causes of any sexual misconduct or abuses of power in your workplace.


Stay Informed. Read our Latest Article on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace here.

Areas of Specialization

RMG Consulting combines expertise from health and safety related disciplines such as safety engineering, human resources management, training and development, construction health and safety, and occupational safety and hygiene. Our professionals hold accredited designations to further enhance our consulting services to you.